Issue Based Working Groups

  • Education
  • Voting Rights
  • Human Rights
  • Environment, Energy, & Climate
  • Health Care & Reproductive Rights

Action Teams

  • Visibility
  • Postcards
  • Letters to the Editor (LTEs)
  • Canvassing Team
  • Book Club

There are many ways to become involved in the Kent Street Coalition:

  • from membership in an Issue-Based Working Group to legislative testimony;
  • from electoral canvassing to writing postcards in a campaign;
  • from joining events at the State House to simply receiving invitations to our monthly meetings...

Kent Street Coalition is organized into three different levels of participation: Active Volunteers, Supporters, and Friends. 

We welcome participation at any level:

KSC ACTIVE VOLUNTEERS — these are members who participate in Issue-Based Working Groups or Action Teams. Working Group members involve themselves primarily on a single issue and develop advocacy strategies for that issue. Action Team members are more focused on taking public action on varying current issues. Active Volunteers may belong to more than one of these groups.

Many Issue Based Working Group volunteers are also members of Action Teams. Descriptions of the various Groups / Teams follow. If you would like more information on any of these groups, please click HERE.

KSC SUPPORTERS — are members who do not wish to or cannot be involved on a regular basis, but who would like to be invited to KSC's monthly meetings and notified of important events. Many of these members attend meetings or actions whenever they are able to.

FRIENDS OF KSC — persons who wish to or must limit their involvement to notices of monthly meetings or participation on KSC's private Facebook page.

Our Beginning

  • The Kent Street Coalition began in a living room on Kent Street in Concord, New Hampshire in early December 2016. We were a gathering of friends and neighbors responding to the election of Trump. We decided that together we had the power to defend our democracy and to make positive, long-term political change. From the original 50 people who crowded into that living room, we have grown exponentially and now include members from across the state.
  • We have kept our name because it speaks to the grassroots origins of our group and the belief that activism can be most powerful when it begins at a personal level.
  • Kent Street Coalition is and has always been an all-volunteer organization. We welcome all those who share our commitment to sustainable progressive change.